
Showing posts with the label US Politics

Biden Hits Trump : The Economy was in Collapse Lack of Effective Leadership under Trump

  President Biden Addresses Concerns About Inflation and Economic Challenges The Question: Voter Concerns Over Rising Costs During a recent press conference, President Joe Biden faced a pressing question regarding the current state of the economy. The question highlighted the continuing rise in prices for essentials since he took office, with a notable example being a basket of groceries that now costs more than $120 compared to $100 previously. Additionally, typical home prices have surged by over 30%. Voters expressed feeling worse off under his presidency compared to the previous administration. President Biden’s Response: Addressing the Economic Situation President Biden began by reflecting on the state of the nation when he took office. He pointed out that he inherited an economy in freefall, exacerbated by a poorly handled pandemic. He criticized the previous administration's response to COVID-19, citing the high death toll and lack of serious measures. He mentioned the infam