
Showing posts with the label Political Parties

Exposing the Truth: The 2022 Election Anomalies, Potential Fraud, and Future Risks

Unmasking the 2022 Election Anomalies: A Detailed Analysis with Gen. Eliseo Rio Jr. In this blog post, we delve into a comprehensive analysis of the 2022 election transmission irregularities, guided by the expertise of Gen. Eliseo Rio Jr., a retired Brigadier General and a former key figure in the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). This discussion brings to light critical insights and raises important questions regarding the transparency and accuracy of the election process. Gen. Eliseo Rio Jr. is a well-regarded figure in the fields of communications and technology. With a distinguished career that includes serving as a Commissioner of the National Telecommunications Commission, a lecturer at the Philippine Military Academy, and an Undersecretary of the DICT, Gen. Rio brings a wealth of experience to our discussion. Scrutinizing Election Transmission Data One of the critical issues discussed is the irregularities observed in the transmission of electio

Trillanes Hits Hipocricy with Purist Kakampinks in Shutting Down Marcos Pinklawan Alliance

  Discussions and Conversations: Aiming for National Interest In a recent interview of former Senator Antonio Trillanes iii, the possibility of the opposition uniting to challenge the Duterte administration was discussed, focusing on how this would affect the candidacies of Senator Kiko and Senator Bam. A key point raised was the purpose of coming together: as national interest. This is the primary reason why various groups and individuals in politics are in talks. Opportunities for Candidates It was also emphasized that the chances of the candidates must be considered. There are instances where their run might only be an "advocacy run," but there's no issue with this if it's for the country's good. The crucial aspect is the opportunity to win if they are supported by a broad alliance. The feedback from the "pinks" (a group within the opposition) is mostly favorable, except for some "purists" who prioritize their sensitivities over national int