From Struggles to Success with TAPSILOG Business of Start-up Couple


The Journey of Eisen and Natalie:

Starting a business is a challenging endeavor that requires strategic planning, adaptability, and resilience. Eisen and Natalie’s journey with their Tapapa venture is a testament to these qualities. This blog post delves into their experiences, highlighting the importance of location, customer targeting, and innovative thinking in achieving business success.

The Initial Struggles: Finding the Right Market

Eisen and Natalie’s journey began with the simple yet profound question of where to sell their products. Initially, they set up shop in a slum area, targeting residents who they believed would appreciate their affordable prices. Their Tapsilog meals were priced at 60 pesos, with other meals ranging from 40 to 50 pesos. However, their assumption that the low prices would attract customers did not hold true. Despite their efforts, they noticed that the residents were more inclined to purchase bread, indicating extreme budget constraints.

Facing Zero Sales: The reality of their situation hit hard. There were days when not a single customer walked in, leaving Eisen and Natalie disheartened. They spent entire days waiting in vain, which made them question their business decisions and capabilities. This period was marked by emotional struggles and financial anxiety, especially with a baby on the way and limited resources.

The Turning Point: Rethinking Their Strategy

Determined not to give up, Eisen and Natalie decided to relocate their business to a more strategic location—the highway. They realized that targeting students and office workers could yield better results. This decision marked a significant turning point for their business. By positioning themselves in areas with universities and offices, they were able to attract a steady flow of customers.

Innovative Offerings: In addition to changing their location, Eisen and Natalie introduced new product offerings. They created platters that combined various Silog meals into one, catering to groups and making it easier for customers to try multiple dishes. This approach not only simplified the ordering process but also enhanced customer satisfaction by providing variety and convenience.

Achieving Success: Expansion and Franchising

The success of their new strategy was evident. Their Marikina branch thrived, leading to the establishment of a Grab Kitchen and four franchise locations. Eisen and Natalie’s perseverance paid off, as their business began generating substantial revenue, sometimes reaching six digits.

Adapting to Market Needs: To cater to diverse customer preferences, they expanded their menu to include vegan options and fish-based platters. This inclusivity broadened their customer base, ensuring that there was something for everyone, from traditional Tapsilog lovers to health-conscious individuals.

Lessons Learned: Importance of Location

Eisen and Natalie’s story underscores the critical role of location in business success. They advise aspiring entrepreneurs to carefully evaluate the feasibility and desirability of their chosen locations. Factors such as rent costs, foot traffic, and local demographics are crucial in determining the potential success of a business.

Strategic Planning: Beyond location, Eisen and Natalie emphasize the need for a solid business and brand strategy. Understanding the target market and positioning the brand accordingly can make a significant difference. In today’s digital age, having an online presence is also vital for reaching a wider audience.

Resilience and Adaptability: Their journey highlights the importance of resilience and adaptability. Despite initial setbacks, Eisen and Natalie’s willingness to reassess and modify their approach enabled them to turn their business around. Their story is a reminder that success often comes through learning from failures and continuously striving for improvement.

Eisen and Natalie’s journey with Tapapa is a powerful example of how determination, strategic planning, and adaptability can lead to business success. By understanding their market, innovating their offerings, and choosing the right location, they transformed their struggling venture into a thriving enterprise. For aspiring entrepreneurs, their experience offers valuable insights into the challenges and triumphs of starting and growing a business.


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