Evidence that Alice Guo Family Connected to China Communist Party | Alice Guo's Father ties to the CCP's united front

Unraveling the Intricate Web of Alice Guo's Ties and Allegations

Exclusive Revelations and Analysis

Let's delve into a complex narrative involving Alice Guo, her father Angelito Guo, and their alleged connections to a CCP-linked Chinese association. 

The Unfolding Mystery

Alice Guo's name has surfaced repeatedly in recent discussions about international scams and money laundering operations. Recent Senate hearings have underscored her significant connections to China, prompting a closer examination of her activities and affiliations. My analysis suggests that Alice Guo is a pivotal figure in a large-scale scam and money laundering operation that was uncovered. She purportedly entered the mayor's office with the intention of expanding these illicit activities but was subsequently caught, necessitating a series of fabrications to cover her tracks.

The Guo Family's Deep-Rooted Connections

To understand Alice Guo's connections, we must first explore her family's background. The Guo family name originates from southern China, specifically a town called Jinjin in the Fujian province near the Taiwan Strait. The Guo family, tracing back to 700 BC, has spread across Southeast Asia, including the Philippines. Recently surfaced photos online highlighting connections to the Chaotai Guo Clan, revealing congratulatory messages from various Chaotai associations in Hong Kong and the Philippines.

Angelito Guo's Role and Connections

In 2018, Angelito Guo served as an honorary advisor for the Philippines Chaotai Association, indicating his active participation in the local Chinese community. Senate revelations have shown that he frequently traveled back to China, sometimes more than three trips per month. This travel pattern raised suspicions when it was discovered that he attended events with key CCP figures, such as Zhu Feng, the deputy director of the CCP liaison office's coordination department, and other influential members tied to the United Front.

The United Front and Overseas Influence

The United Front is a vast network of overseas Chinese associations aligned with CCP objectives, influencing Chinese communities globally. This network operates subtly, often involving benign activities like donations to politicians and placing individuals in positions of power. Fujian province, in particular, is known for its CCP-linked associations, such as the notorious CCP police station in New York City. These associations often come with economic incentives, possibly explaining Alice Guo's lavish lifestyle.

The Money Laundering Allegations

Senator Sherwin Gatchalian recently highlighted suspicious financial activities linked to Alice Guo. The Baofu Land compound, initially involved in a scam network, was later tied to significant money laundering activities. Financial records revealed a discrepancy between the compound's operating capital and the scale of its operations, raising questions about the true source of income.

Alice Guo's father's businesses, including a pig farm and an embroidery business, reported modest profits and losses, insufficient to explain the substantial cash investments he allegedly provided to her. This discrepancy suggests that these businesses may have been used as fronts to divert attention from money laundering activities.

Connections to the Singaporean Scandal

Further revelations came from Senator Risa Hontiveros, linking Alice Guo to the largest money laundering scheme in Singapore's history, involving 10 Chinese nationals and totaling approximately 2.2 billion US dollars. Alice Guo's business partners in the Baofu land compound were also implicated in this scandal. Despite claiming ignorance of their criminal activities, the connection between her investments and the Singaporean case raises serious doubts.

Alice Guo's Dubious Claims

Alice Guo's claims of ignorance regarding her business partners' criminal activities seem implausible, given her status as a savvy businesswoman and politician. Her assertion that she distanced herself from these partners after withdrawing her investment in 2022 further complicates the narrative. The luxurious lifestyle she maintains, from designer clothes to multiple vehicles and even a helicopter, suggests deeper involvement in these illicit activities.

As we continue to unravel the intricate web of connections and allegations surrounding Alice Guo, it becomes increasingly clear that her ties to the CCP and involvement in international scams and money laundering operations are far-reaching and complex. 


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